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broken hearts

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September 11, 2010
Posts: 3

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when you meet a guy u truly care about good intentions dont matter because the create pain

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August 9, 2010
Posts: 7

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`Its not always like that things have a way of working out. I was brought to the point of suicide once and my best friend saved my life, now i have a girl i love more than any thing she also saved my life several times she was my best friend now shes my fiance. So trust me eventually something will happen that will make you realize it was for the best you just have to be patient.

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` you kno what hurts more knowing the perfect guy lives across the country.

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`broken hearts.... Such a fragile subject. but, like in any situation, there is always good to be taken out of anything bad. what you hold on to in your past experiences creates what you will see and feel the most from your experiences to come. there are positive and negative view points to everything. And trying to find a conclusion on the subject can be debated as far as your thoughts and verbal arguments (with yourself or another) can take you. which seems like it can go on forever. Here's a kinda cliche quote example of what I mean:
the people with such vibrant personalities are typically refered to as "shining stars"
1st thought

*the positive view*: Stars are beautiful and bright, and always catch your eye. it's quite a flattering comparison, or compliment.

*negative argument*: and like stars, there are millions up there in the sky, and if one dissapeared, who would notice?

*positive argument*:there may be millions, and it seems like it takes away from the aspect of being special, but, if one catches your eye, as we all seem to notice happens once in a while, and if you could reach the "heart" of that star, all the others seem insignificant as your realize the importance of the warmth from that one.

*negative view*: ......
Well, lets just leave it at that. (wow.... that was quite the personal argument I just had with myself. well, makes for a good empty forum filler. lol)
Point being , even if i didn't the best of examples , it's not about the answer, or conclusion that you come to in arguments, experience perceptions, or ways of life, etc., considering you could argue those topics on and on, it's about what you feel is right, or what you choose to hold onto that sculpts your perception on this/experiences/life, and there "is" a positive and negative way of taking everything, so, Why take the negative? every bad experience "gives knowledge" on how to handle things and experience, hence providing understanding, which is always a helpful thing to depart to others with advice and such, focus on that self expansion aspect of your experiences if need be.
I dunno, that's just my opinion. hope something positve can be taken from that.
and, Saphire flame, yes, the majority of relationsips do seem to be hurtful when the end comes, but if you keep yourself protected just enough, and hold your values, beliefs and positive feelings close, some time, you will draw that kindred spirit to you and maybe meet the love of your life. no matter how your beliefs and feelings may seem to another, they're "your" beleifs and *feelings*, hold them tight as long as they feel right or positive to you. besides. feelings and emotions are what create what feels real to an individual right? and, even if they live thousands of miles away, gotta keep hope and perseverance, without hope or faith in things (speaking of "faith" as in a non-religious context) positivity seems just as far away as your goal in mind. I strongly believe that like attracts like, even if it works in ways we don't understand. and that, staying positive is important. my wishes be with you of the best of luck with that hippied.

"Blessed be" Peeps! (o^.^)o

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